Pilates Makes You More Confident, Even if You Are a Cat: An Unexpected Testimonial

2020 has had a lot of unexpected results. I never thought that Pilates would have positive effects on a cat, but this actually happened. Pilates makes you stronger and more confident in magical ways. My client Kathryn, has a very shy cat that will not leave the guest room. In March Kathryn started doing virtual Pilates in the room the cat wouldn’t leave.
Kathryn tried to show Gray the cat, to me over the video chat and the Gray always slunk away not wanting to be seen. Eventually Gray would get excited about Pilates. She started to purr and rub her face on the iPad Kathryn used for her sessions. After a few months she would sometimes allow me to see her face before the session started. Then she got involved in the movement. Especially the sidekicks.
About three months into lockdown, she started walking in front of the screen and nuzzling the iPad and Kathryn while she worked out. She would look at me on the screen for a moment and allow me to see her face.
Then one day, six months into lockdown, Gray had the confidence to leave the guest room! A few weeks later she left the room again and went downstairs. She even stayed downstairs overnight.
Gray loves her Purrlates sessions! She’s learned how her body works and has developed confidence to not only leave the room she stays in sometimes but also to stand up to the dogs! Let this once shy cat show you how Pilates can make you stronger and more confident so you can live a more fulfilling life. Stop trapping yourself in one space with movement and go out there and explore the world. You know, when it’s safe again.
Pilates makes you stronger from the inside out regardless of your species. You don’t have to do it purrrrfectly. You can gain a lot from just showing up like Gray. All puns aside, you gain confidence in your body and in yourself from this proven exercise method. Not only will you get stronger and more flexible but I’ve seen people gain confidence from Pilates and use that to speak up for themselves. Pilates is a safe way to step out of your comfort zone to gain strength, flexibility and confidence in your body and self. See for yourself what Pilates has to offer you! Check out these quick tips for better push ups to see how I can help you gain strength and confidence in your body. Get your tips here.