Starting Over With Pilates?

Do you feel like you have to start over? In the wake of our world crisis, many things we love to do ended up on the back burner. If you’ve stopped taking Pilates, stopped meditating or even just drinking enough water, you are not alone. Our routines have been interrupted and our good habits have been replaced by fear and anxiety. We need to feel our feelings but we can’t get stuck in them. Sometimes it can be hard to get motivated but once I do Pilates, I always feel better. You might think starting over will be painful but it doesn’t have to be. If you let it, starting over can be a freeing process. If you are ready to get back to the healthy habits you love, it might be helpful to reframe your thoughts.
Instead of thinking of starting over, think about the things you have learned from previous experience. You know what habits and routines didn’t work. You know what did work. You can start from a place of knowledge. You know what you need to focus on and what to let go. Make a list of the things that worked before and what didn’t. If you know you have to exercise first thing in the morning, make a note of that. If you know you need accountability to stay on track with your goals, add that to your list. If you know that working out on your own doesn’t work for you add that to the list of things that didn’t work, so you can avoid that. If you know that certain foods keep you from staying on track with your goals add them to the list as well. That way you can be mindful of eating those things.
Let go of what happened in the past. Don’t beat yourself up if you didn’t stay on track with your goals previously. Letting the past stand in the way, can make the process frustrating and painful. Comparison of one’s self from the past can have adverse effects when seen negatively. If you were in a good exercise routine in the past you can do it again. If you developed healthy eating habits you can do it again. This time will not be as hard because you have knowledge from the past you can build on. You do not have to figure out every single thing from scratch. You can work from a good foundation.
Once you have your list of things that worked in the past and didn’t, use that to make a plan of action. You may not be the type of person that can make a lot of changes at once and that is ok. Get out your calendar and make a short list of goals and give yourself a timeline to accomplish them. Some people find success in picking one easy thing and adding on from there. That could be going to bed on time each night during the week or making sure you get enough water each day. Go ahead and make appointments for the bigger goals. If you like exercising with others, go ahead and sign up for classes, even if it’s for a start date in two weeks. Or schedule your private Pilates sessions. Maybe you need to plan your meals before going to the grocery store with a list.
Put your list somewhere you can see it daily. Your bathroom mirror, closet door and next to your desk are a few good places you can see your goals and timeline. If you accomplish a goal, check it off the list. If you are having trouble with a goal reevaluate and decide if there is something else that would help you do that better. I really like Gretchen Rubin’s pairing tip. She says to pair something that is hard to do with another activity, or don’t do something you love until that first task is completed. One of my clients came up with the idea of making sure you do a stretch before leaving your office for lunch. Or you could only watch your favorite TV show if you’ve already exercised.
Goals often work better when you work together with someone. Maybe you need accountability to stay on track. You might need a workout buddy, even if it’s over Zoom. Or maybe you need a professional that will help you keep going and not let you off the hook.
If you choose to free yourself from the negativity of the past, that is when starting over instead becomes taking the next step. There is freedom in that choice. You can turn around and look at all the steps that got you to the place you are now. You can then appreciate those steps rather than be overwhelmed by the steps that exist in front of you.
If you are looking for some guidance, accountability and expertise in getting back into exercise, that is one of my specialties. I love helping people reestablish their exercise routine from a healthy place. I can help you find the movement that works best for your body so you feel strong, energized and ready to take on the day. I will motivate and encourage you to move in a way that supports your body. I use Pilates to help you find a good foundation for all forms of movement. Having a good foundation to fall back on helps you to run, walk and live with confidence. All you have to do is click here to get started. You can schedule a private online Pilates session to get your movement practice back on track with no judgement, only expertise and encouragement. I would love to help you move forward and reestablish a healthy routine!