Doing Pilates Three Times a Week Gives You Better Results

What kind of results can you expect from Pilates? The results depend on how often you do Pilates. Doing Pilates three times a week with an Instructor is the best way to get good results. You don’t have to do three private sessions, you can divide it between group classes and privates.
Why do you need to do Pilates three times a week with an instructor? Because when you do Pilates more often with a pro guiding you, you remember the exercises and how you do them well. The more you do Pilates the better you feel. Pilates helps you have better alignment in your body and better awareness of what is happening in it. When you have better alignment and awareness you can move through your daily life with ease and less pain.
Lani has taken Pilates with me online three days a week for over a year now. Here’s her take on how that’s helped her have better results:
When you are first learning the Pilates exercises you want to learn to do the exercises with good form so you can make them more challenging later. When you remember how to do the exercise well, less time is spent on relearning. When you remember the exercises you can flow through them with good form. This adds challenge and a cardio aspect to your Pilates workout.
When you remember your exercises in class you can also do Pilates outside your sessions. Doing 15 minutes of Pilates mat at home between sessions, can help you get stronger and increase the quality of your workouts with your instructor.
Doing Pilates regularly helps you increase your flexibility. One of my clients split her weekly session in half to do two half hour sessions instead of just once a week. Now her tight back has a lot more flexibility and she is able to do rolling exercises better. Even though she’s been taking Pilates for a few years adding in one extra day, has helped her reach more of her fitness goals. She is still doing the same amount of Pilates, just spaced out a little more.
When you do Pilates three times a week with an instructor you help yourself have better results because your body and brain remember what you are doing. You are able to develop strength, stamina and flexibility. You can challenge yourself more by learning new exercises using your current skills. Frequency + quality = better results. I’ve had a few clients add in a session or class that are seeing a big difference. If you want to add in a group class, check out my options and some reviews here.