What is a Pilates class like?

What is Pilates? Pilates is movement. If you can move, you can do Pilates! You find the movement that works best for your body when you take Pilates with me. You try new movement with curiosity and guidance. You learn to build exercises so you understand the movement.
You might think that Pilates is like Yoga. Pilates is similar to Yoga but it is not the same thing. In Pilates we have different exercises in one big sequence. You learn the basic movement of each exercise. You repeat the exercise a few times and move to the next exercise, instead of moving through a sequence or holding a pose like in Yoga. This helps your brain and body learn the exercise and how to do it well.
When you take a class with me, I check in with you to find out what is happening in your body. If you are feeling any discomfort or tightness, I take that into account and teach according to your needs. You can start the class either standing, sitting or lying on your back. I usually have you start on your back with gentle movement or breathing. Then you really get moving. The first Pilates exercise we usually do is the Hundred which is a warm up exercise. The Hundred helps you use your breath, connect to your abdominal muscles and the rest of your body. You pump your arms and breath as you count the inhales and exhales. The Hundred helps you get your blood pumping and your thoughts connected to your body.
Through the class, you move through different positions for each exercise to work different parts of your body. Your first class is more about learning the basics that getting your butt kicked. That comes later if you want! Pilates works with support for your body then gradually takes it away for more challenge. I make sure you are supported and challenged in the best way for your body.
After your first class, you may not feel sore the next day. You might need a few classes to really get the movement and feel sore. Once you understand it, then we make it more challenging and you start the process with new exercises.
When you take your first class, I want you to feel like you moved. Maybe found some new muscles. Maybe you to learn something new about your body. I want you to feel like you can do something you didn’t know about before. You should at the very least feel proud of yourself for trying something new.
Ready to feel proud of yourself for trying Pilates? Get started here. Not quite ready? Get more info here.
Photography by Jennifer Gouge