You Don't Have to be Joseph Pilates to Do Pilates

You can still have high standards for yourself and your workout without looking like Joseph Pilates. I think it’s easy to look at Joseph Pilates and think that's what Pilates is. But that's not true. Sure he was a hard person to work with and he had high standards. However, from what I’ve heard and studied, he gave people support for their bodies when they needed it. That’s how the Teaser was named. Because he had people lie down, put their feet on his bent legs as he bent over them then asked them to sit up to touch his shoulders as he moved his shoulders away. He supported people to do what was possible for them in that moment.
You might think Pilates looks easy but it takes a lot of hard work and practice to make it look that way. The truth about Pilates is that it's hard. You don’t have to start day one putting yourself into a position that does not feel good for your body. You can work up to what works for you. The only standard is that you show up. You have to show up to do the work. That is all. Not all of the exercises were meant for every person. Even teachers have exercises they don’t often do because it doesn’t work for their body.
Don’t let other people’s standards stand in the way of you feeling better in your body. You have to start somewhere. I had to start over again after a year of no exercise while undergoing treatment from Lyme Disease. I did not start with the Roll Up. My body wasn’t ready for it yet. So I worked on the exercises I could do. I added challenge when I was ready so I could do the Roll Up well later. Sure I was frustrated with the process. When I was a teenager and dancing all the time, Pilates was much easier. But I was no longer living that life. I had to let that go and be in my present body. When I stopped fighting it and worked with what worked for my body, I had positive results. I got stronger. My flexibility returned. My balance was better. I had to learn to do what worked for me in that moment to get those positive results.
I want you to accept yourself for who you are right now. I want you to learn how to work with what you have in order to get what you want. I’ve been there. The process is not easy but it’s doable. Even more so with an expert like me to guide you. Are you ready to learn to accept yourself for who you are now and work toward your fitness goals? I would be honored to be a part of that process. The easiest way to get started is to join my open level online group Pilates classes on Wednesdays at 7 AM CDT or Fridays at noon CDT. These classes are welcoming and encouraging. I would love to see you in class. Sign up here and let’s get you working with what you have to get what you want.