How Pilates Can Make You Feel Successful in Your Body

What do you think Pilates is? If you think it's only perfect execution of the Pilates exercises on tall thin bodies, on fancy equipment you would be wrong. Pilates is not about looking like a picture you found on google. Or a picture you have in your mind from a workout video from the time of the VCR. Pilates is about your body, no matter what it looks like. Pilates is about finding the movement that works for your body. Not trying to be someone else. Not trying to find the perfect ending pose. Pilates is about moving YOUR body and letting go of what other people might look like doing these exercises.
The best way to have success in Pilates is to let go of your expectations and struggles and how to apply the concepts of the exercises to what works for you. I don’t believe in finding an end pose for the movement. I want you to be the movement, not try to capture a picture of the exercise you have in your mind. If you want to feel successful in the movement you can! You can find what is success in your body.
I grew up dancing and struggled with trying to capture the perfect picture in my form. I had to deal with constant competition and comparison. I don’t want that for you. Pilates is not a competition! After teaching for a decade, I’ve learned your body works much better when you aren’t competing. This includes competing with yourself. If you move in the current moment, appreciate what you have available to you right then and use it well you will find success. You will achieve good results with your Pilates practice. Best of all you will learn awareness and appreciation of your body. Forcing yourself into something that worked five years ago or that works for someone else is not the answer. Explore what is available to you now and you will find much more satisfaction in the movement.
One of the things I love about teaching online Pilates is that you can't compare yourself to the other people in a class. You can focus on your own body better. You can tap into the words I’m using to get you into the exercises and see how they fit on your body. That can have a side effect of building muscle tone! If you want to really feel successful in your body and uncover your true strength that is just under the surface try an online Pilates class with me! At the very least you will get a fun workout. Who knows, you might just learn to love your body for what it is right now, while doing Pilates.
When I teach live online Pilates, I lead you with my voice so you can find the movement for yourself rather than have you mirror my movement. I want you to find how the concepts fit you. I use my expertise to help you find success in the movement for your body. I would love to have you join a class with me so you can see how Pilates can make you feel successful in your body! My schedule is below to book a class. Any questions, just send me an email here.