Express Yourself Creatively With a Writing Circle!

Looking for some creative self expression after months of being cooped up? I have a safe and fun way for you to get some creativity going without leaving your house! I have monthly writing circles starting this week. A writing circle is simply a gathering of writers writing separately but together. You don’t have to be a professional writer to join. There are a lot of versions of writing circles. When you come together with others to be creative there is a shared creative energy. Think back to the last art class you took. Maybe it was in high school, maybe it was a sip and paint night. Maybe you felt a little nervous creating around others but creating together can inspire you to try new things. A writing circle is the same thing, only you don’t have to share your words if you don’t want to. You can simply show up and write. A writing circle is a place to gather and write together. This is a safe space to write for self expression. Not scary at all.
How does a writing circle work? I share a writing prompt, we briefly discuss it and then write. After each person that wants to share picks a line or short portion of their work to read to the group. There is always a special shared creative energy in a writing circle. This is a safe space with positive encouragement.
Writing is often a solo activity but it doesn’t have to be. Writing in a group feels so good. I love having others around to share words with. The creative buzz always follows me for a few days after helping to encourage my words and ideas to keep flowing. I’ve used writing circles for self care, to work on essays to submit and to write my book that came out a few years ago. Writing in a group can be for whatever you want. You don’t even have to write to the prompt if you don’t want to. But it always feels good just to get the words on paper.
This is a fun way to be creative in a group, safely from home. I have monthly online writing circles starting this week. I would love to have you join me this Thursday July 12th at 6 PM CDT! It’s only $10 and it will be fun. Who do you know that could join in on the fun? Feel free to join with a friend! You can sign up by clicking the button below.