How Do You Move With Words?

If you feel unsure of what to write about Pilates, feel like no one will listen or that your words will be judged and critiqued by others, you are not alone. So many teachers feel this way. I was one of them. When I first started writing about Pilates, I was way more terrified to share my words about Pilates, than I was to write about Wall Street Titans for But I did it anyway. Writing about Pilates effectively, changed my business. I got more clients I love to teach. My schedule went from waiting for clients to book, to a waiting list.
Pilates needs all voices to speak out about what it is. Pilates is for everyone but not everyone is for Pilates. This is often because it is such an individualistic exercise method. Most people don’t know what it is or what it can be for them. This is why it is important for us ALL to speak out about Pilates. We need more voices. We need more experiences. We need more bodies, more faces and more words. This is why I created Words That Move, a writing program for Pilates Pros (formerly Writing For Pilates Teachers).
How do you write or speak about Pilates so people will listen, understand and try it? What is Pilates even? Can you describe it without going into a lecture? I developed a program to help you do this so you can get more clients you love to teach. Are you ready to share YOUR message in YOUR voice? I have a few ways to help you do this.
A monthly writing prompt. Bring your voice to a topic. We are all different people, so we approach the movement and teaching differently. Writing from a shared topic helps show how we all bring something unique to the Pilates experience. If you are on my email list you will get it ahead of my post on Instagram, along with the date it will be posted. That way you can write a post and if you tag me I will share it that day! Regardless of when you share your post, tag me so I can share it too.
A writing circle. Writing with others helps you get feedback right away and connect with other teachers. The writing circle is a nonjudgmental place to get some writing done, get positive, helpful feedback and inspiration from other teachers. This will be happening quarterly for now and you will get first dibs on spots if you are on my email list.
A secret upcoming option! I am so excited about this! Email subscribers will get early access to this too!
One on one sessions. One on ones can happen as a one off or a series if you wish. We will work on your specific needs whether that is accountability, ideas for content, a strategic plan for social or even just instant feedback.
Need something you don’t see listed here? Let me know! I want to help you get more of what you want and need out of your business. If you have a specific challenge with writing drop it in the comments. I want to know how I can help you best.
How do you move with words?