Pilates Sassy Sixty Challenge!

One of my clients turns 60 years old today! We have been together through many of life’s milestones. She decided to use her birthday this year, as an incentive to challenge herself a little more with Pilates. She has been extremely dedicated to her Pilates practice. As a result she is stronger, has a lot less pain and a lot more confidence in herself and her abilities. She practices Pilates about twice a week on a regular basis. We make the rounds between the Mat, Tower, Reformer, Wunda Chair and other equipment. We worked together to build her practice up from never doing Pilates about five or six years ago, to knowing and doing the complete advanced Mat and Reformer work.
She decided this year, she wanted to complete a Sassy Sixty challenge! So we’ve been working on doing the advanced mat and reformer, separately, within 60 minutes. Yesterday she did the full advanced Mat and some Wunda Chair within the allotted time. This is HER personal Pilates practice. We’ve changed the order a little to better suit her body and her needs. She does not do the Crab exercise, although she did it once. Instead she does her self named, “crab walk”, to transition from one side of the Mermaid to the other. She is confident is asking for what her body needs. I am confident in helping her find the best way to make that flow and work well.
She is so strong in her practice. She does not need as much prompting or spotting from me anymore. Her balance is so much better. Pilates helped strengthen and stretch her hips, which has alleviated most of her hip pain. She feels strong and confident in her body. She is not afraid to fall because she knows how to catch herself. She knows she is strong enough to avoid an injury. She tells everyone she knows about how Pilates is something everyone should be doing! She has pushed beyond what she thought her physical limitations were and found confidence in her body.
Pilates helps you get stronger, more flexible and more confident in yourself and your movement no matter your age or fitness level. Pilates helps you become aware of your body and how you move. That way you can move better. You stretch your muscles from a place of strength and awareness. You learn to ask questions of yourself. You learn how to build your movement from a strong foundation. Pilates helps you coordinate the body, mind and spirit. You take the time to notice how you move. You learn what feels right and what needs work. You learn to accept yourself for who you are in that moment. You learn when to push yourself and when to work on the basics. Pilates can help you do anything better. Pilates is helping my client feel strong and confident about turning 60. She is ready to take on the world in a strong and sassy way. I am so happy to watch her do it. Do you need some help to feel sassy and strong? Try Pilates. I bet you will feel better.