We Still Have Choices

Well, here we are. Told to stay in our homes. Work from home if you can. Don’t touch people or things and don’t leave your house. Whether we have the skills to do this or not, this is not ideal for anyone. We all want the choice to do what we want with our lives. Right now it feels like we don’t have a lot of choices. But we can choose how we react to the stressors we are all dealing with right now. Here are some resources from my past blogs on some things you can choose.
Keep exercising. This will help you deal with stress in a healthy way. Read this blog post for more.
Try virtual Pilates. When I teach virtual Pilates I do it the same way I would in the studio. I guide you with my words while watching you do the movement and giving you cues and suggestions to make it work for you. This is not my workout and it’s not a workout video but a live class taught online. You can join my group classes here and sign up for private sessions here. Check our my blog post for tips on how to take a virtual session here.
Stretch! Chances are you are sitting at your home office desk a lot more these days than you are used to. Stretching helps to let go of the tension built up from sitting too long. Here is one of my favorite pieces of equipment you can easily have at home, the office or take on a much needed vacation, the Pelvic Clock. Read my blog post here.
There is a lot asked of us everyday. Most of us are learning new things and working new systems in order to survive. Make sure you are stay present and give back to yourself. We have to take this one day at a time.