Quick Exercise for Back Pain With the Pelvic Clock

Do you have back pain? Back pain can often come from imbalance and tightness in your hips. There is an exercise in Pilates called the Pelvic Clock that can help move your pelvis to help you stretch and alleviate pain. Want the free exercise to help relieve back pain? Get it free here.
What is the Pelvic Clock? The Pelvic Clock is two things. 1. An exercise that moves the pelvis. 2. A small piece of equipment that helps you do the pelvic clock exercise!
How does this help you feel better? The Pelvic Clock device and exercise because it helps you loosen your hips through movement. You can use the Pelvic Clock as a warm up before Pilates if you are feeling tight in your hips or back. The shape of the Pelvic Clock device helps you to move your pelvis more than you can with your hips flat on the mat. You will probably find you can move more when using the device and find more stretch in the places you need it most.
Using the Pelvic Clock does not take long. A few minutes doing the basic exercise can be the difference between pain and being pain free. The design of the Pelvic Clock helps you get more movement than you can flat on the mat. There is a space on the flat side of the Pelvic Clock for the sacrum, the bones at the end of your spine between the hips. This design makes the exercise a lot more comfortable and easy to progress through.
The Pelvic Clock is a versatile piece of equipment. You have plenty of options for stretches and exercises on the clock. You can even flip the clock over to the flat side to work on building up the hamstrings to help prevent back pain by balancing out the strength in the legs. The best thing about the Pelvic Clock is that it easily fits in your carry on bag for travel. Spending more time standing up and walking on trips, even just sitting on an airplane can cause your hips and legs to get tight. Using the clock when you arrive at your destination helps to relieve the tension and get you ready to see the sights. Get a free five minute video on how to do this exercise yourself with or without a Pelvic Clock here.
Whether you need stretch or strength this is a versatile piece of equipment that doesn’t take long to use for helpful results. I love using the Pelvic Clock to help relieve back and hip pain for myself and my clients. If you would like to check out this helpful tool you can go to this affiliate link to get your own and check out the free video of the exercise with or without the Pelvic Clock here. Let me know how it works for you!
This blog post contains affiliate links. But I only share what I use and love myself.
Pelvic Clock® exercise device www.pelvicclock.com is a stretching aid for hip and lower back pain relief.