Think You Need To Be Graceful To Try Pilates?

Do you worry about taking Pilates because you want to be something else before you try? You are not alone. You might think you need to wear certain clothes or be able to move a certain way or be a desired weight. But those are all myths and not true for taking Pilates with me. I ask you to show up as you are and do what you can. And I don’t judge. I won't force you into positions that are not right for your body. I don’t care what brand of workout clothes you are wearing. You just need to be able to move. That is all. You simply have to show up and see what your body has to offer.
I wanted to be “perfect” before I returned to Pilates. I wanted to look different and feel different. Then I realized perfect does not exist! And Pilates helps my body feel better. Even better Pilates helps me accept my body as it is. So I showed up and let myself be me. I felt better even after just one session. Ten years later, Pilates has changed me inside and out.
You might think that Pilates is only for ballerinas and it has to be graceful. That’s not true. The process of Pilates is naturally messy. How do you sit up without using your arms? I will help you figure it out for your own body. The figuring out does not look graceful and that’s fine. I don’t believe it needs to look graceful.
I do not ask for grace, in the traditional sense, from my clients when it come to their Pilates practice. My own practice has not always been graceful. I’ve wobbled, fallen and even did the exact opposite of what a teacher asked. But it’s ok. I learned from those experiences and used them to make my movement better. And my listening skills.
But you don’t need to compare my movement to yours. Pilates is process within your own body. With enough practice the process can become graceful. Sure Pilates has the reputation of long lithe bodies participating in perfect movement. That’s not all though. Moving with grace takes practice. There is often a messy process to get to the graceful movement. A messy process has immense value. That is where the learning happens.
I think the Pilates process is beautiful. Grace or no grace. When I see someone try Pilates with no idea what they are in for that is amazing. You need courage to show up and let someone give you movement instruction. You have to trust. When you trust me and my expertise I can help you find movement that works best for your body. Your movement can help create change. If you trust the process and are consistent with your practice, Pilates will take you to the next level and you will be amazed at what your body can do. Practice is doing something over and over to get better. Grace is working with what you have in that moment and accepting what your body has to offer. Grace is not comparing yourself to those around you. Grace is keeping up with your practice, even though you aren’t thrilled about the idea in the moment. So don’t avoid trying Pilates because you are worried about being something else. Give Pilates with me a try and let’s see what your body has to offer right now. You can book a session or class here.
Photography by Jennifer Gouge