How Often Should You Take Pilates?

How often should you take Pilates? The answer, like most things in Pilates is based on your individual needs. Generally, Pilates works best when practiced consistently. Taking three Pilates classes, private sessions or a combination, a week is a great way to learn the method and see results. When you practice Pilates consistently with a teacher, you can learn exercises to take home and do on your own.
Pilates is an exercise method where you start at the beginning to learn the basic concepts and shapes that you will use throughout the exercises at all levels. When you take Pilates three times a week, your body and mind learn the foundation faster and retain the information. You remember the movement better because you are training your muscles to remember. When your body and mind remember the movement you can progress faster. The body will build strength and the results will be better with consistent practice.
Once you are more familiar with the exercises you can take your practice home with you and work on things between sessions. Pilates focuses on quality of form over quantity of repetitions. If you add in practice time at home, whether it’s 5 minutes or 50, the quality gets better and your body will thank you. Pilates does not have to be done for an hour everyday to get the benefits.
Pilates is a great exercise method to do multiple times a week because it works the whole body. You can add focus on different parts of the body but the whole body gets worked and special attention throughout each session. You don’t have to worry about missing leg day because every session works your legs. Pilates helps you connect the whole body so you learn to work everything together. The whole body includes the mind and breathing. Pilates asks you to be aware of what your body does to make the movement happen. This way you can figure out how your body moves best.
Consistent practice of Pilates helps you to remember how your body works best within your everyday movement. You consider your posture when standing in line at the coffee shop. You think about how you can lift a heavy box without hurting your back. After a while you don’t have to think about your everyday movement as much because moving well becomes second nature.
Pilates makes everything better. Pilates helps you with stress management, injury prevention, as well as strength building and flexibility at the same time. Pilates helps you prepare and recover from surgery. Pilates helps you get in touch with your body. Practicing Pilates helps you lower your golf handicap, pick up your grandkids and even just get up and down off the floor easier. If you can only do Pilates once a week it is still worth it. Regardless of how many times a week you can, you should simply do Pilates. If you are looking to start your Pilates practice I have a limited amount of spots available. If you want to try private sessions either in person in Nashville, TN or virtual you can book here. How often do you do Pilates? Let me know in the comments!
Photography by Jennifer Gouge