Circles Are Magic

Why do you love the Magic Circle? I used to say the circle was the connector of the abdominals and the rest of the body. You magically find your powerhouse when you use the circle. The Magic Circle helps us to organize our bodies. This circle offers us connection and instant feedback. You have a better idea of what is going on in your body when you work with the Magic Circle. You can do the exercises without the circle. But there is an added level of support, challenge, connection among other magic when you add the circle.
I absolutely believe in the magic of the circle. I also believe in the magic of writing circles. They offer the same thing as the Magic Circle: organization of the work, connection and instant feedback among other things. Writing Circles bring us together. They help create community while you get some work done. They help you connect your work, with the world, through your words. Writing Circles help you find your writing powerhouse. Sure you can write on your own, but the Magic Writing Circle adds a new level of support, connection, inspiration and camaraderie you can’t get alone.
I have led and participated in Writing Circles. Within the circles I worked on my book, I got feedback and new perspective on my writing. I always have extra writing inspiration after a circle. I have found new friends and been a part of exciting projects. I love seeing the magic of people all writing furiously at once. Everyone always has something to say. There is support you can’t get on your own. Reading your words and seeing the reaction instantly helps you see the impact you have as a writer. If you want some magic in your writing, join the Fall Writing Circle Saturday October 19 from 2-3:30 CST. Magic link to sign up here!