Transformation Tuesday: Space for Change

Over the past month I’ve been discussing the transformation I went through last year. Everything changed except for my husband and my clients. We moved, I moved to a new studio, I lost weight, I started a new business, I got a new car and more. Most of these things were not planned but I knew I wanted things to change. Boy, did I get it.
I did work toward change. For any transformation to occur, I had to create the space for it. I created space in my schedule. I carved out time to write. Maybe it was 20 minutes maybe or 3 hours. But I wrote and still do everyday. I made a list of the things I wanted to accomplish. I figured out what I would need to accomplish those things. Then I had to let go of some things that were holding me back. This has become my process for growth. I can ask myself all the questions in the world, but if I don’t make the space to actually accomplish those things then there is no space for change.
Transformation takes time. It’s messy and uncomfortable. But I always feel better on the other side. I never regret the work I did to get there. Just like I never regret taking Pilates. If you desire change and you want to get to other side of your own transformation it can be done. I have found that having accountability is key for me to stay on the path and make things happen. If you are looking for accountability and guidance for change I can help. I have questions to help you find what you need to do and where to start. I can guide your toward change in the health of your body with Pilates and your business through effective writing. You can get started with this process today. Book a virtual session here and let’s make space for your transformation.