Transformation Tuesday: One year later

Over the past year I went through a transformational process for my entire life. This started with one change. I decided to love myself as I was right then. As a result I made a lot of changes. I found different types and levels of outside support, so I was no longer just doing things on my own for myself and my business. This process started with three simple things. Julie Sellers encouraged me to make better choices in my business. Jenna Zaffino encouraged me to start writing again. Lesley Logan encouraged me to share my writing and my personal journey with Pilates on Instagram. She challenged me to 30 days and now it’s been a year. I’ve posted almost every single day for the past year. All of these things flowed together. From there, everything changed. I started a new business. I teach in a new studio. I now do more of what I want to do with my life.
Change is hard and it’s scary. But it can be done. One of the major things that was helpful for me was to overcome the fear of writing about Pilates and sharing that online. When I started sharing my work a lot of things happened. I found more ideal clients in my classes and private sessions. Friends understood what I did for a living and referred my services to their friends. I found more confidence in my teaching because I was more clear about what I was saying. When someone asked me the dreaded question “What is Pilates?” I had better answers for them. I was constantly writing about what Pilates is, in a targeted way. I was better able to share it with people on the spot. I had more confidence in myself and my business overall because I knew exactly what I was doing. I was confident about that because I was exploring that through writing. Writing about Pilates and sharing was key in my transformation.
You can’t see all the changes. The most important changes are hidden from view. There are more coming. Do you need support with change? Would you like to explore writing about Pilates in a safe way? I have some big things coming to support you. Sign up for my email list below and you will be the first to hear about it.