Keep On Keepin' On

I saw a lovely documentary a few years ago about, famous jazz musician Clark Terry. He had diabetes and lost his sight in his late 80’s. He was ill for a long time before that but he never let his illness stop him or change his attitude. He had to change his methods but he was determined to ‘Keep on Keepin’ On’.
This is the time of year that most people start to lose momentum on their goals. Working toward change is not always easy but don’t let that stop you. If you are falling behind on a goal, whether you are lacking in motivation or just not making progress, take some time to reassess your goal. Is your approach not working? Do you need new skills? Determine what is hindering in your progress. Once you know what is holding you back take steps to fix the problem and move forward. If something isn’t working change your approach but keep going.
When I have a big project I am working on I tend to break the tasks down into smaller pieces. I can get overwhelmed looking at the big picture. If I have an event to plan, I can spend too much time thinking about how much work there is to do instead of actually doing the small things that will get me to the next step. If you have a goal of losing fifty pounds take a look at the whole picture. Give yourself a deadline. Then decide what is necessary to do each month, each week, each day and map that out. If you focus on one week at a time or even just one day at a time, there is a better chance of success.
Where are you in the pursuit of your goals for the year? Let me know in the comments! More on goals next week…