
My birthday was yesterday. When I think about all the things I have done in the past year I am pretty proud of myself. My book has been published and is out in the world. I had a successful first book signing at a well-respected bookstore. People are reading my book and even like it. I’ve kept my head above water all year. I have been stressed but I haven’t let it get to me as much as I have in the past. I’ve been married for over a year. I’ve developed better quality friendships and let go of others. I’ve trusted myself. I’ve put myself out there. I’ve tried new things. I’ve done things at the last minute without a well thought out plan. I’ve asked for more respect. When it has been denied, I’ve let go of those people. I have grown a lot in the past year. I have a lot of growing to do but I finally feel like I’m making progress in all the work I’ve done to get to this place of accomplishment in my life.
I have always been a person with a plan. I can thank my ballet training for my discipline and understanding of the need to make your own goals and work toward them. When I stopped dancing, my goals simply changed. I don’t think I have ever been a complacent person. There have been times that I have not been able to work as hard as I wanted toward my goals. I have had to change my goals. I have had to change my approach, but I have not ever given up. Yes, there have been times I’ve wanted to give up but I do what I need to do and just keep going.
There have been many times in my life that I have been presented with a crazy opportunity, or been right in the middle of a situation that would make others run. I for the most part did not ask questions. I did not say no. I just did whatever was needed. I have a friend that read one of the stories from my book a few years ago. She says that whenever she is faced with a task that seems impossible to her she thinks of me and when I had to sing for one of the best singers alive with no prior notice. She says that if I can do that she can do whatever task seems impossible at the time.
What are you working toward that seems impossible right now? What have you accomplished that seemed impossible at the time? I would love to hear your stories in the comments!